Kamis, 22 November 2012

my wishlist

my wishlist:
- a decent bronzer
- contouring foundie kit
- a polarized sunglasses for day and night
- a pair or new jeans
- a pair of a decent sandals/flat shoe for everyday use
- a new helper
- a microwave
- ability to put on false lashes????
- more patient
- slimmer figure

Minggu, 02 September 2012

angelic kids or stephen king's horror kids??

it's funny how people can be so hypocrite. yes,, what an opening line...
just yesterday one of my in laws visited us. then we talk about lebaran day.. how were my husband's family being.. how the vacation trip they took, and blah-blah-blah.. then they told us how the newest member of the family are, first the told us about one of the nephews wife. how she is so funny, open and nice quite the opposite of her husband. and the second one is how naughty were a daughter from one of the other nephews.. i almost scoff at them.. yeahhh right.. and their children behave like angels??!!!

please look at yourself in a mirror before you talk about others. what can i say about those kids of them... they're the nastiest kids I've ever had for nephews and nieces!! they're loud, snob, rude, abusive, violent, and fowl mouthed kids.. and you say that other kids are bad????? are you kidding me?????!!!!! they make Dudley Dursley looked nice & polite!

people,, please review yourselves before you talk about others. don't you humiliate yourselves.

Sabtu, 04 Agustus 2012

high school

just earlier today,, i went to a break fasting whose my neighborhood held, i really felt like i was in high school again.. where the popular kids, the good kids and me as the weirdo that always hangout alone..
i try to be helpful and try to engaged to their convo,, but no.. still cant get in..
i wonder why?? is it me?? is it them?? do i really invisible?? it make wonder,, how the hell did i always got a lot of friends back then?? i'm not the popular type,, but well known in high school.. or when i in college..
actually i don't care at all about them,, but i can't help feeling useless as a wife to my husband..
when i was single,, i got no problem hanging out with guys,, most of my friend are guys.. but since you got married.. i have to hangout with the wives.. i can't hangout with the husbands.. i really wish i could just hangout with them.. girls are weird!!!!!
do you know that there is some kind of a political system to hangout with girls??? yeah,, right??!! girls cant just hangout with other girls outside their circle.. maybe not all neighborhood like that, but just my neighborhood??

i don't do politics!! this is who i am. i may be quiet around new people,, but i never avoid anyone that needed my help.. i always say 'okay, sure' i'll help you in anyway i can..

i try not to be a hypocrite.. insyaallah..

Kamis, 26 Juli 2012

is it just in my head??

hi. long time no see...
yesterday i read my husband's message in his phone.. yes i know i'm nosy! it break my heart one of them said sometimes he envy with married couple that both are workers, they can fulfill their financial goal more quickly than he is and he accept this way as they were meant to be. he text-ted those to one of his in-laws.
what should i do?? do i suppose discuss this with him? do i suppose to get a job?

there were times that i said that i'd like to apply for jobs, but back then he said that i shouldn't do it. back then our financial wasn't as establish as right now.. we were really in a jam back than.. he said that he'd prefer i'd be taking care of our daughter and have less than we have more but our daughter was taken care of by a helper. his salary back than was 1/3 from what he got right now monthly. i think we were a whole lot more establish right now than ever.. but why did he said things like that..
his whole family going to thinks that i'm only a slacker, burden, free-loader, lazy etc. sometimes i was really wanted to get a job of my own. make  money on my own.. but i'm don't have the skills of marketing.. trust me.. i tried several times.. it doesn't suits me.. i'm just a so so sales person, yes i got bad personality, it take me a while to warm up to other people. i don't have the confidence to talk to others.
I thought about being an make up artist a lot.. but i don't have the money to take the course. and i can't take my daughter along with me,, since we don't have a full time helper.

maybe i'am scared of the big bad world.. it's been a while since i got my self a job.. i don't know if i still got it. my self esteem is at the lowest for as long as i lived. being a housewife sometimes really break my spirit.
but u know what would make it a whole lot better?? my daughter!! she's healthy, active, independent, happy, fun, and the sweetest kid in whole world.she doesn't have to act out to get her parent attention, she's more healthy than other kids that were taken care by helpers.

but why did he said something like that.. do you readers think that i should say things that bother my  mind. or should i keep this to my self??

Rabu, 30 Mei 2012

wanita bekerja

sometimes i always envy to working women, punya karir, certain goal in life, ambition to move forward, punya penghasilan sendiri dan bisa spent it sesuka hati kita tanpa keterikatan beban moral. tapi kalau dipikir lagi apa aku se-egois itu, demi kesenangan sendiri aku nelantarin anak ku sendiri? apakah dengan alasan membantu suami, untuk bekal anak, ingin punya uang sendiri, atau apa pun lah cukup buat nitipin anak ke pembantu more than 12 hours a day.

few of my friend have to work, due to being single parents. it's very hard on them to leave their children into somebody else care. tapi kalo mereka gak kerja, dari mana mereka bisa bertahan hidup? banyak orang yg lebih beruntung di bandingkan dengan mereka, yg di karuniai suami yg bisa mencukupkan, bisa konsentrasi penuh mengurus anak, yg menjalankan bisnis dari rumah sambil mengurus rumah tangga. tapi menurut ku ada juga orang yg egois. tetap memaksakan untuk bekerja walaupun telah di cukupkan oleh suami..

bukannya saya menentang wanita bekerja, tapi tolong di tinjau lagi skala prioritas keperluan untuk apa anda bekerja. banyak kok wanita yg tetap berkarya walaupun titelnya adalah stay at home mom! banyak kok wanita yg tetap bisa punya penghasilan sendiri biarpun gak punya kantor di gedung bertingkat.

lucu deh, ada yg beralasan 'saya kerja demi anak' tapi anaknya di tinggal sama pembantu dan cuma bisa ngasih perhatian penuh hanya pas hari libur saja. apanya yg demi anak!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
a friend of mine said 'buat apa kerja mati2an sementara anaknya dirumah sakit2an mulu gara2 kurang perhatian, mendingan hidup sederhana tapi anak2 sehat & ceria. nothing more important than our children'
i say, i have to agree with him.

suka miris ngeliat anak kecil, sakit2an cuma di asuh sama asisten rumah tangga.

to working mothers.. tolong deh atur lagi prioritas hidup kalian. jangan sampe menyesal kemudian..

Senin, 28 Mei 2012

this in my second blog..
i really hoped that i can be consistent in this one..

sekarang ini my passion lagi bergerak kearah make up. i really like the transformation into different characters, innocent, elegant, fresh, glamorous, or anything you can possibly imagine. 
banyak orang yg bilang make up itu menipu, tapi menurut aku itu adalah usaha seseorang untuk tampil lebih baik. lebih enak di pandang lah. gak usah munafik lah kalo kita suka ngomongin orang lain behind their back, terutama soal penampilan, kucel, norak, gak matching, kayak pake topeng, muka berminyak dll.

there's nothing wrong wanted to feel good about your self. motto ku adalah 'Gak ada wanita jelek, yg ada wanita malas'. banyak yg beralasan keadaan ekonomi, masa sih?? banyak kok make up merk lokal yg murah (hindari make up palsu buatan cina yaa?? for your own good!!), gak usah semua di beli sekaligus,, cicil satu persatu. 

aku juga masih belajar soal make up. pengennya sih sekolah lagi, tapi si unyil kecil bernama unish gimana nasibnya?? mo di titipin sama siapa?? ada yg mo jagain anak kecil yg kayak ulet bulu??

kayaknya postingannya segini dulu... see you next time