kalo orang yg udah nikah kena KDRT banyak alasan knapa gwe bisa ngerasa kasihan sama mereka. tapi kalo pacaran?? NO!!! gak ada alasan lo mesti di kasihanin!! well sorry that just the way it is. coba kita break down antara KDRT & girlfriend beater.
- kemungkinan pas pacaran sifat aslinya tersembunyi dengan baik
- alasan malu & segan dengan keluarga besar
- alasan malu & segan dengan keluarga besar
- anak menjadi pertimbangan
- alasan ekonomi
- tidak mau mempunyai status bercerai/gagal/janda
but beater boyfriend:
- NO REASON, gak ada alasan yg bisa mengikat lo baik secara hukum atau pun norma!!!
obviously he doesn't conceal his bad behavior,
sorry tapi gwe mo ngomong "SEGOBLOK APA SIH LO SAMPE RELA DI KASARIN SAMA ORANG YG ADA KETERIKATAN HUKUM & AGAMA SAMA LO" orang yg mukul itu gak mungkin sama sekali gak ada tanda2nya. sebelumnya dia cerita kalo dia di larang2 untuk ambil job sampe dia gak punya uang buat bayar listrik & cicilan,, WHAT THE F**K!!!!!! ngapain diturutin??!!!!
trus dia cerita lagi kalo marah2/berantem suka ngeluarin kata2 kasar & kebun binatang,, -HEEEE..........HH!!!!- mau2nya lo di rendahin sama orang yg notabene nothing!!! alasannya apa?? cinta??!! that is the most bullshit reason that ever exist on earth!!!!!!
Girls please use your brain once in a while, use your logic your ratio.. don't just follow your hormones all the time!! tell your family, tell your friends, tell someone you trust. just tell them.. you don't need to be afraid or shame,, that is you being brave, that is you refusing to be a victim, that is you being beautiful, that is you being honest to yourself, that is you being smart, that is you loving yourself, respecting yourself, caring yourself!!
Girls please, protect yourselves! protect your heart, body & soul. Once it's broken, life would never be the same ever again. the whole world seems to lost it's sun. trust will be an impossible thing to give & fear will always haunt you.
Fear Is Not Love
You Are Very Worthy for:
- love
- respect
- equality